Brilliant hamster cage
Brillant instuctions but fun putting ittogether.quick delivery.Much cheaper than anywhere else. Good size. Strong. Made to last. Great colours. Hamster loves it. Especillay the tubes. Play house is big. Bottle dosen't leak. Food bowl dosen't tip over. The base is deep so the bedding dosent fall out. Believe me, you get more for your money and its the best one around. Easy to clean. You can see them through the tubes. Easy to get the hamster out. Wheel only needs some vaseline so it dosen't make a noise. Tubes are big [enough for our hamster to turn the other direction inside it]. Platform is sterdy and so is the ladder. Hamster went up the tube within 30 secs of putting him in his new cage, so no stuggle for them. The only thing is, like most cages the door is a little lose so we just got some ribbon to tie it up. overall, a EXCELLENT product.
good...however be careful of tunnels
at first myself and my hamster were impressed with his new cage, however the other week i noticed some hair loss and a cut on his side, i wondered what it was and looked into it, i found the tunnels had rubbed his side, if you feel them they are quite rough, so i have had to create a circular tunnel so he cant get onto them as it just made it worse each day which is distressing to see as an animal lover.
other than that the cage is great and spacious.
Fun Hamster cage
Bought this cage as a replacement for my daughter's broken one. It's fun, gives the hamster plenty to do with all the tubes etc, and extra parts can be added to it. The colours are bright, suiting a teenager's room and it's sturdy. The reason it didn't get 5 stars is that you need the patience of a saint to put it together. One tip I have is to wrap a rubber band around the tubes to be added to others to prevent them coming apart. Once it is together your hanster will love it!
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