Too small for guineas and rabbits
This cage is too small for even a single guinea to be in full time. A single piggie should have a cage of 100cm length and a pair should have a minimum of 120cm length with 150cm length preffered. The more space you can give your pet the better.
For a rabbit a 150cm length cage is really the only option, maybe a 120 for a dwarf rabbit.
Chinchillas and rats like to climb and this cage really isnt the best option for them.
This size of cage is just over what the RSPCA state as the minimum for a syrian hamster! Just to put the size into perspective. However the bar spacing on this cage makes it unsuitable as a hamster cage as hammy will just escape.
This cage is probably ok for a hospital cage , while a guinea is ill to prevent excess movement.
happy hutch! hell hostel more like!
This cage is a disgrace and I still can't believe I bought one of these on purchasing my piggies. I soon woke up and got a 2 x 4 c&c cage. As others have said, 120 minimum length for a guinea pig. I can't believe I put Harry & George through a few weeks of living in such cramped conditions. Not recommended if you love your guinea pigs.
Far too small
This cage is far too small to put any rabbit or guinea pig in.
Rabbits should have a minimum of 6ft in length with a run attached at all times, I believe guinea pigs need about 4ft at least.
I would NEVER put a rabbit in this cage, it would be cruel to do so :(
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