Bathing sand for hamsters and others
I thoroughly recommend this product - especially for hamsters and gerbils. In their native environments they will roll in the sand as it helps remove dirt, grease and parasite from their fur. I bought a six pack and I think it will last longer than my hamsters - very good value. I have two Roborovski hamsters and their fur gets very greasy. I leave the sand in a small bowl and they make regular use of it. You notice the difference when they have had a sand bath. The sand comes in a sturdy carton. Please don't buy chinchilla dust which a lot of pet shops sell as it could cause respitory problems for small rodents. I have a Cambell's Russian Dwarf hamster who also loves to use it as well. When we had a few hot days during the summer I found him resting on the sand, trying to cool down. I would say that it is essential that small rodents have a sand bath available to them and I am suprised a lot of pet shops like Pets At Home don't sell it.
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